Sunday, September 11, 2011

Antique Lamps - Beijing Glass

!±8± Antique Lamps - Beijing Glass

In our modern world, the glass is a daily part of life, but that is not always the case.

The half elegant and ethereal as a "glass", is simply and fundamentally of sand or silica and a flow, sodium or potassium. These elements combine, when melted at very high temperatures, so that the product is easily recognizable as glass.

Glass is an ancient invention, which in the past 5000 years, particularly after the development of techniques emerged in 18Century. The first glass in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, 5,000 years ago found surviving examples of this early glass today.

At the time was seen as very exotic and produced a study has shown that the simple techniques were used as a secret place of the old craftsmen. The first products in glass bottles that are rather crude and products to form the basic shape of clay. The form is then modeled maintained by inserting a short metal bar at one end of the moduleimmersed in molten glass, thus forming the "heart" of the shape of the bottle. Long strands of molten glass as "sticks" were known, then wrapped around this basic form, until the piston or the bottle was full.

Before his fall, Egypt has held a monopoly on the production of glass all over the known world. When the Romans invaded Egypt, were quickly adopted to discover the secrets of glass making. It 'was, in fact, the Romans, who continued the development of glass production with the introduction of glass-blown1 Century BC. It 'been for this novel development of glass production, which led to the production of glass from the Western world.

Meanwhile, Chinese glass, which has been attributed in ancient China, with special features like the ability to ward off evil spirits had discovered. It 'was also used as healing properties which have connected with precious stones and crystals, but before the 17 century, China has found little for this product.

Shouldsaid that up to 19 centuries of world architecture used very little glass windows, with the favorite Chinese Journal of tracing paper. Glass was developed in order to maintain high and refined through the production of porcelain in China is required.

While China has been the production of glass from about 700 BC, with several small glass factory system operating throughout the country, most of these laboratories with their small random outputs, short-lived.

It 'alsoclear that the glass does not evaluate imperial patronage until the end of 17 century by the Emperor Kang Xi (1662-1722) establishing the first glass factory was like a laboratory Imperial in 1696. The workshop was located within the walls of the Forbidden City and has been with the best craftsmen in occupied China.

The beautiful Chinese glass, so even in the West as "Peking glass", it was presented to the Chinese by a 17 th Century German Jesuit missionary. TheMissionary in charge of the imperial establishment of the laboratory and introduced western techniques of glass and enamel to the Chinese court. As a result, Beijing has glass properly as a "stepchild" in the big family of Chinese arts and crafts described.

It is interesting to note that it was the introduction of snuff, tobacco or fine powder that led to the founding of the imperial workshop. When Europeans first discovered in China not only new and exciting thingsBut the Chinese, as well as anyone in the Western world had discovered new ideas, take tobacco in China and one of them!

Due to the rapid development of tobacco used at the imperial court and is rapidly gaining popularity in society, glass bottles were produced snuff. The workshop Imperial began production of small bottles, especially for the date of snuff or powdered for use by the imperial family, as gifts to ministers or civil and militarythe imperial court and foreign diplomats.

These early productions were in black and white or single color in Imperial yolk yellow, ruby ​​red and green opal. They were simple in shape,''oder''Gelehrte taste, ranging from simple to highly decorative pieces with overlays of colored glass, the glass is carved or faceted.

Overlay glass was developed later. This is the immersion of an article of glass included in a vat of molten glass in a contrasting color. The mold was then cooled,require a period of 3 days, after which it was carved out of the original stained glass decorative layer revealed.

Glass sculpture is a long and tiring process, both in terms of time and labor. Final shaping and polishing by hand in the traditional cutting of jade methodically grinding and polishing done.

Today, Beijing glass in many forms both functional and purely decorative found.

Antique Lamps - Beijing Glass

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